-The Hindu Business Line The Prime Minister will launch the India Handloom brand today, the country’s first National Handloom Day India’s handloom fabrics are an integral part of the rich culture and heritage of India, and are appreciated world over for their colour, texture and design. During our freedom struggle, Mahatma Gandhi had stressed the need for hand spinning, handloom weaving and wearing India-made fabrics; thus khadi became an integral part of...
Policy in place but PSUs procure very little from Dalit enterprises -P Vaidyanathan Iyer
-The Indian Express While procurement from SC/ST enterprises was way below target in 2013-14, that from all MSEs was much better at Rs 12,440.76 crore or 15.30 per cent of the total PSU procurement during the year. The first comprehensive survey of procurement undertaken by public sector undertakings (PSUs) from micro and small enterprises (MSEs) promoted by Dalit (Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes) entrepreneurs showed that their supplies were just Rs 419.37...
More »The Public Education System and What the Costs Imply -Kiran Bhatty, Anuradha De, and Rathin Roy
-Economic and Political Weekly There are basic methodological and conceptual problems with recent research that ends up arguing that private school education is more effective than public education. Such findings have obvious policy implications but it is critical that research that informs policy is based on a correct reading of facts, keeping the larger vision of education in mind. Recent research into the cost effectiveness of public education vis-à-vis private education concludes...
More »Grim picture -TK Rajalakshmi
-Frontline A survey conducted by the Women and Child Development Ministry and UNICEF in 28 States and Delhi presents a dismal picture of crucial maternal and child health indicators. ONE OF the success stories that successive governments at the Centre have regularly narrated is the improvement in maternal and child health indicators, including coverage of various facilities and services that directly or indirectly affect the health and well-being of these cohort...
More »Make National Agri Market inclusive for small farmers -Hema Yadav & Shalendra
-The Hindu Business Line New structure facilitates inter-state co-operation The recently announced National Agricultural Market aims to bring about a unified market through networking of mandis to facilitate seamless flow of goods and information. This may not alter the State- dominated existing agricultural marketing structure; but it calls for redefining their role and functions to make the concept more inclusive for farmers. Fear of rejection The networking of markets is expected to enhance access to...
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