-The Hindu The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance has rejected the National Identification Authority of India (NIAI) Bill, which was meant to give a legal backing to the Aadhaar project and its aim of using biometrics to create a Unique Identity for every resident of India. Sources in the Committee say the Bill has been rejected in its current form on the grounds of the project's high cost, as well as concerns...
Parliamentary Standing Committee May Recommend Withdrawal Of UID Bill: Report by Nikhil Pahwa
A Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance is set to recommend that the government withdraw the National Identification Authority of India Bill 2010, reports India Today, citing unnamed sources. The recommendation is to withdraw the bill and introduce another one, because members of the standing committee found the project directionless, and that the bill and the project are not acceptable in their present form, the report states. It doesn’t quite mention...
More »Plan panel: UID beneficiaries should pay for enrollments by Surabhi Agarwal & Sangeeta Singh
The suggestion has been made in a note to the cabinet committee on UID project headed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh The Planning Commission has recommended that the Unique Identity (UID) programme’s beneficiaries such as public sector banks, insurance companies, state governments and welfare programmes pay for the enrolment of people since the benefits to them will outstrip the costs incurred. The suggestion has been made in a note to the cabinet...
More »Bike roadshow for UIDs by Raj Kumar
A trained volunteer on a motorcycle loaded with an LCD television, a sound system and a generator set could be touring the districts soon to spread the word about the landmark Unique Identity project that has already seen as many as 34 lakh receive their numbers in Jharkhand. E-Avas, or Ekal Audio Visual Awareness System, designed by a local entrepreneur, will get on the road once an awareness film on the...
More »Dr Edgar Whitley, research coordinator of the LSE Identity Project interviewed by R Ramakumar
DR EDGAR WHITLEY is Reader in Information Systems at the Information Systems and Innovation Group in the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has a PhD in Information Systems from the LSE. His research and practical interests include global outsourcing, social aspects of IT-based change, collaborative innovation in an outsourcing context, and the business implications of cloud computing. He is also an expert in identity, privacy and security...
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