-The Hindu Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh announces it will not take part in the strike. The Left affiliated central trade unions will go ahead with a nationwide strike on Friday, even as the Centre on Tuesday announced sops in a bid to placate them. The peace offering includes a hike in the minimum wage for unskilled non-agricultural workers in central public sector units from Rs. 246 to Rs. 350 a day and formation of...
Plan to track ghost faculty in medical colleges -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph New Delhi: India's regulatory body for medical education, beleaguered by allegations of corruption and performance failures, today announced plans to create a digital register of doctors across the country and track ghost, or fake, faculty in medical colleges. The Medical Council of India (MCI) will update its national register of medical practitioners within six months and use a computer network to monitor in real time the daily attendance patterns of...
More »Activists to urge States to stall GM mustard -KV Kurmanath
-The Hindu Business Line Hyderabad: With the Union government gearing up to take a decision on whether to allow genetically modified (GM) mustard, anti-GM activists, non-governmental organisations and farmers’ associations have decided to exert pressure on States to stall any move to allow GM in food crops. Arguing that agriculture is a State subject and that States have to bear the brunt of any fallout, the activists have decided to meet the...
More »Social entrepreneurs and promoters of the platform Azadi.in -- Radhakrishnan Ram Manohar, Siddharth Vijayan, Praveen Paul and Stalvart John -- interviewed by Shilpa Nair Anand (The Hindu)
-The Hindu A crowd funding platform for legal fees, www.azadi.in, is enabling greater ease of access to justice for all. The founders are four young men from Kochi Four young men from Kochi - Radhakrishnan Ram Manohar, Siddharth Vijayan, Praveen Paul and Stalvart John – a couple of years back thought up something that won our hearts – ‘Sisters Across Borders’. Those were hard times in flood-hit Kashmir; aid was pouring in...
More »States rejected 8 out of every 10 claims for land by tribals last year -Kumar Sambhav Shrivastava
-Hindustan Times Eight out of 10 claims for land title by forest dwellers under the Forest Rights Act were rejected last year, tribal affairs ministry data shows. The Opposition is at the crosshairs with Centre in Rajya Sabha over passage of the Compensatory Afforestation Bill, which critics say will further undercut tribal rights and harm environment by introducing government plantations in areas traditionally used by tribal communities. The Forest Rights Act (FRA), in...
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