-Business Standard Plugs Rs 5,060 crore of LPG subsidy parked with 21 million, largely fake customers The enrolment of beneficiaries under the ambitious modified Direct Benefits Transfer for LPG (DBTL) scheme has finally stopped at 128.7 million people, oil ministry, data show. This translates into annual subsidy savings for the government to the tune of Rs 5,060 crore at the current prices that was linked to the rest 21.3 million customers. These include...
The weakest link - Ashok Gulati
-The Indian Express Among the Modi government’s many hits was one crucial miss — agriculture. The Narendra Modi sarkar’s performance in the first year has at least five major achievements and one major miss. To ensure that this neglect does not become its Achilles’ heel, the Modi sarkar will have to focus on and initiate reforms in this weakest link in the chain — agriculture. Else, it will not let the Indian...
More »Month before Aadhaar deadline: Over 40 crore people still left out -Ruhi Tewari
-The Indian Express Mumbai: Aadhaar the basis of several fresh proposals, including introducing Aadhaar-based biometric systems in all Central government offices. Despite the decisive push given to it by the NDA government since it came to power and by Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself, the ambitious Aadhaar project is far from meeting its target of universal coverage by June this year, also impacting the Direct Benefits Transfer Scheme that is based...
More »Nabard Can Help Weather Rural Financial Distress -Charan Singh
-The New Indian Express The financial distress in the rural sector, especially borne by the farmers and reflected in farmer suicides, is a matter of concern for the nation. The rural economy housing nearly two-thirds of the population is vital for the development of the nation as it not only supplies food for consumption but also provides a market for industrial output. The rural people, due to lack of awareness of...
More »Cash for Food--A Misplaced Idea -Dipa Sinha
-Economic and Political Weekly Direct benefi t transfers in the form of cash cannot replace the supply of food through the public distribution system. Though it is claimed otherwise, DBT does not address the problems of identifying the poor ("targeting") and DBT in place of the PDS will expose the vulnerable to additional price fluctuation. Further, if the PDS is dismantled, there will also be no need or incentive for procurement...
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