-The Hindu Minister has been resisting Mukesh Ambani on gas prices, audit S. Jaipal Reddy — the minister who took on Mukesh Ambani in a regulatory battle on gas prices that saved the exchequer thousands of crores of rupees — is set to be divested of the crucial Petroleum and Natural Gas portfolio, The Hindu has learnt. Mr. Reddy, who took over from Murli Deora in January 2011, resisted and then rolled back...
Now, govt. okays multiple LPG connections -N Ravi Kumar
-The Hindu New norms come after many households in city surrender additional permit Here’s some relief to large households worried about restrictions on LPG connections. They need not surrender the additional connection. As per the new norms announced by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas on Friday, consumers can retain multiple connections but will have to shell out more for the cylinders. They will be priced thrice as much as the subsidised...
More »Two kitchens can get you two LPG connections -Piyush Pandey
-The Times of India MUMBAI: Family matters. If you are married and stay with your parents or siblings, you can double the quota of subsidized cooking gas cylinders to 12 from the government notified cap of 6 in a year. All you have to do is show a separate cooking platform or kitchen to avail of a second liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) connection. This should come as a big respite for those...
Rising corn prices in the United States brought about by biofuel mandates have cost developing countries 6.6 billion dollars over the past six years, says a study by Global Development And Environment Institute at Tufts University (GDAE). Net Food Importing Developing Countries, among the most vulnerable to food price increases, incurred ethanol-related costs of $2.1 billion, the study concludes. (See highlights and the links below). The recent spike in world food prices...
More »Sibal writes to Jaipal on LPG subsidy-Aarti Dhar
-The Hindu “If it is withdrawn, Centre will need to compensate States for increased cooking fuel cost” Unable to get an exemption for the cooking gas cylinders used for the Mid-Day Meal Scheme in the wake of a steep hike in the prices of domestic gas, Union Human Resource Minister Kapil Sibal has suggested that the Petroleum Ministry consider providing subsidised LPG cylinders for the current fiscal year. “It might be preferable at...
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