-Livemint.com * The SC has asked the Central and state governments to put on record the efforts taken to curb the spread of Covid-19 and the measures that they plan on taking in the near future In the wake of the second wave of Covid-19, the Supreme Court has directed the Central and state governments to consider imposing a ban on mass gatherings and super spreader events. "We would seriously urge the Central...
The way these state polls were held should leave us in dismay -Gilles Verniers
-Livemint.com The BJP has done poorly against regional parties but the worst showing this election season was the Election Commission’s Never has analyzing election results seemed an exercise so disconnected from reality. Since the number of daily covid cases exploded three weeks ago, the conditions that led to Sunday’s outcomes have profoundly altered. Even before these elections became a pandemic spreading vector, this has been the most violent election season in recent times,...
More »Where are the 300 tonnes of emergency Covid-19 supplies that have landed in Delhi in last five days? -Arunabh Saikia & Supriya Sharma
-Scroll.in No domestic flights have taken off to carry the supplies to other parts of India, nor have states been informed about their share by the Centre. In the past five days, 25 flights loaded with 300 tonnes of emergency Covid-19 relief supplies have landed in India’s capital from around the world. The supplies include 5,500 oxygen concentrators, 3,200 oxygen cylinders and 1,36,000 remdesivir injections, said a spokesperson of the Delhi International...
More »India’s COVID-19 tally crosses 2 crore
-The Hindu U.S. only other country to go over this number With 3,55,836 new cases until 11.30 p.m. on Monday (May 3), India’s cumulative COVID-19 tally crossed 2 crore and stood at 2,02,75,699. The U.S. is the only other country to have crossed this mark. The country also recorded 3,434 deaths due to COVID-19, taking the toll to 2,22,381. Maharashtra reported 48,621 infections, followed by Kerala (44,438), and Uttar Pradesh (29,192). Maharashtra also...
More »Covid has accentuated the private cost of India’s public failure -Vivek Kaul
-Livemint.com The health crisis will boost the trend of India’s well-off opting out to create parallel infrastructure On 2 May, the total number of active covid cases in the country crossed 3.4 million. The number was at 5,80,387 on 31 March, implying a jump of around 488% in a little over a month’s time. Unlike the first wave, this time around the well-to-do middle class has also been heavily impacted by the...
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