Projecting an 8.5 per cent economic growth for the current fiscal, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Monday conceded that rising prices had brought distress to the common man, but exuded confidence that the “corrective” efforts of the Centre and the States would bring down inflation to about five or six per cent by the end of December this year. At a press conference here to mark the completion of the UPA-II...
Call for Asia-Pacific nations to invest more in social sector by Aarti Dhar
U.N. report says this will consolidate the region's economic recovery Even in crisis, Asia-Pacific still the fastest-growing region Increased social spending directly supports income security for households A United Nations report has called upon governments in the Asia-Pacific region to increase social spending to consolidate the region's stronger than anticipated economic rebound and to spur over the long term a fairer, more balanced, and sustained economic recovery. The Economic and Social Survey of...
More »“Too much representation, too little democracy” by Narayan Lakshman
Democracy and free market have fused into single predatory organism: Arundhati Roy MoUs with transnational firms resulted in tribals moving out of their lands: Arundhati Roy The problem of market externality poses systemic risks: Chomsky “What happens, now that democracy and the free market have fused into a single predatory organism with a thin constricted imagination that revolves almost entirely around the idea of maximising profit,” asked author Arundhati Roy at a...
More »Vision 2010: a dangerous myopia by Amiya Kumar Bagchi
The Central budget of 2010-11 is a further step in the realisation of a vision of India vibrant with the income, wealth, saving, education and the entrepreneurial energy of the top 5-10 per cent of the population and the rest of Indians, serving that minority and surviving as barely literate, malnourished multitude. With the accession of Rajiv Gandhi to power, a vision began to germinate. That vision was that of...
More »Prof. Prabhat Patnaik (JNU) interviewed by Pragya Singh
The economist and political commentator who was appointed to a four-member team of the UN to recommend reforms to the global financial system critiques Budget 2010 Economist and political commentator Prabhat Patnaik, currently vice-chair of the Kerala Planning Board, is a strong critic of the government’s economic policies. In 2008, Patnaik, who has taught at JNU since the 1970s, was appointed to a four-member team of the UN to recommend...
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