-The Hindu Fresh documents with The Hindu show clear and undeniable links between the sudden transfer of senior IAS official Ashok Khemka and his initiation of a probe specifically related to Congress president Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law Robert Vadra and his companies, contrary to the Haryana government attempts to establish that the two events were unrelated. The documents belie the claims made by the Haryana government that Mr. Khemka acted on the Vadra-DLF...
Senior official probing Vadra-DLF land deal shunted out
-The Hindu A top official in the Haryana government’s land registration department was transferred hours after he initiated a probe into all the land dealings of Robert Vadra, son-in-law of Congress president Sonia Gandhi, in four districts of the State neighbouring Delhi, The Hindu can disclose. The transfer order came on October 11, 2012 — even as the country was still digesting the allegations made by India Against Corruption of a nexus...
More »Bonded labourers rescued from brick factory
-The Hindu Nelamanagala Taluk/Allasandra village: They were confined against their wishes and without wages The last sight Khagapati Kumbhar (39) expected on Wednesday afternoon was a convoy of white government vehicles speeding towards the brick factory where he worked. Mr. Kumbhar and 13 other migrant labourers from his village in the backward Bolangir district of Odisha had been confined against their wishes and without wages in the factory since June. The convoy screeched to...
More »Robert Vadra's land deals exposed, paid Haryana farmers less than circle rate
-CNN-IBN Just a day after Haryana government denied favouring Congress president Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law Robert Vadra and DLF, CNN-IBN has accessed documents showing how Vadra bought acres of land in the Mewat region of Haryana below the circle rate. The documents suggest Vadra has been on a property buying spree in Haryana and had picked up acres of land directly from farmers in 2008 and 2009. Vadra's firm Real Earth Estates Ltd...
More »Tribal minister Kishore Chandra Deo to urge governors to use special powers to cancel mining leases in tribal areas -Subodh Ghildiyal
-The Times of India After ordering cancellation of mining lease in tribal areas of Andhra Pradesh, tribal affairs minister Kishore Chandra Deo is set to raise hackles by writing to governors to invoke their special powers in the defence of indigenous population. Deo plans to exhort Raj Bhavans to use their constitutional powers under Article 244 by which they can stop implementation of a law or contract if it goes against...
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