-The Hindu The acute shortage of toilets across the country has come to the fore again with the gang-rape and Murder of two teenage Dalit girls in Badaun, Uttar Pradesh who went missing on the night of May 27th after they went to relieve themselves in the open because they did not have access to a toilet at home. The lack of toilets impacts the safety of women and this had been...
Criminality a long-term trend in Indian polls, proves 2014 -Zia Haq
-The Hindustan Times An increasing number of candidates facing criminal charges are being fielded by India's political parties at all levels of elections, including state polls, data from over a 10-year period shows. Underlining the seriousness of the issue, two new studies suggest stronger correlation between wealth, crime and winning ability. Overall 17% of the candidates contesting the 2014 elections have a criminal background, up from 15% in 2009, when the previous...
More »Gujarat worse than neighbours in dalit justice
-The Times of India AHMEDABAD: Gujarat fares poorly when it comes to dispensation of justice to dalits in atrocity cases. Its neighbours Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh fare much better. Data released by NGO, Navsarjan Trust, on Monday showed that the conviction rate in atrocity cases in Gujarat is as low as 7.8%. According to the data received by the NGO through RTI, 8,884 cases of atrocity were registered in the state...
More »RTI activist who took on Noida land mafia dies
-The Hindustan Times Noida: Mystery shrouds the death of Right to Information activist Chandra Mohan Sharma (38), who was allegedly charred inside his car Friday night. On the complaint of a family member, a case of Murder has been lodged against five people at Kasna police station. However, no arrests have been made so far. If foul play is unearthed, this would the third episode of an RTI activist being targeted...
More »Even after 2 years, Kokrajhar lives in shadow of violence -Furquan Ameen Siddiqui
-The Hindustan Times Kokrajhar (Assam): Nearly two years after deadly ethnic riots led to more than 100 deaths and displaced over 4.5 lakh people in Kokrajhar region of Assam, fear and tension prevails. Communities - especially, the Bodos and Bengali-speaking immigrant Muslims - living in close proximity across the Bodoland Territorial Autonomous District appear to be completely polarised. In the small village of Joyma a few kilometres from Gosaigaon, around 150 Bengali-speaking...
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