The Assam Government on Thursday ordered an additional Chief Secretary-level probe into Wednesday's incidents in the city, where anti-eviction protesters went on the rampage and the police opened fire, resulting in the death of three persons. The government directed the administration to gather video footage of the incidents and initiate legal action against protesters who came armed with lathis and stones and indulged in violence, causing damage to public and private...
The Bitter Pills by Debarshi Dasgupta
India’s FTAs pip generic drugs production Lot More For Less * Generic drugs from India play a major role as antiretroviral drugs across the developing world * A 2010 study says 80% of the medicines used by donor-funded programmes to treat people with HIV were sourced from India * It’s cut down treatment costs drastically, from $10,000 to $80 * Stronger IP regimes may hamper production of generics *** The right of...
More »West Bengal govt may not assist promoters to acquire land by Romita Datta
The first casualty of the new policy could be NTPC’s proposed plant in Burdwan district West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee may soon announce a new land use policy which says the government will not acquire land for industrial projects, leaving it to project promoters to do so. “They (companies) operate in a market economy, so must deal with market forces. They shouldn’t ask the (state) government to acquire land for them,”...
More »Towards social development zones by R Gopalakrishnan
Social development zones (SDZs) represent a new approach to creating education and health institutions in the country connecting emerging opportunities in policy. These also address some major constraints that Indian private investment faces today in investing in these two critical sectors of development that directly impact on unlocking human potential. These opportunities are presented by the commencement of Rajiv Awas Yojana, a property-rights driven effort at moving towards a slum-free India...
More »PM declares his FDs, Kamal Nath & Deora business interests
-Express News Service On Tuesday, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh directed his cabinet colleagues to update details of their business interests, assets and liabilities. In the first such exercise last year, only two cabinet ministers had explicitly declared their interests in private companies — Urban Development Minister Kamal Nath and Corporate Affairs Minister Murli Deora. Kamal Nath mentioned 23 companies in which either he or his family have a “business interest”. Deora...
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