CPM Politburo member and Kerala Home Minister Kodiyeri Balakrishnan has assets worth Rs 76.65 lakh, according to the affidavit filed by him on Thursday as part of his election nomination papers for the April 13 assembly polls in the state. Balakrishnan, who filed his nomination from Thalassery assembly constituency in Kannur district, declared that he has Rs 36.20 lakh worth assets and his wife Rs 40.45 lakh. He said that he has...
Trinamool promises ‘green revolution' by Raktima Bose
Outlining targets, agenda along the lines of UPA's promises in 2009 polls Agro techniques to improve land fertility, distribution through ‘land bank' Brimming with promises to revamp a wide range of sectors, including industry, agriculture, health and education, as well as bring about holistic development in the weaker sections of the society, the election manifesto that Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee released here on Monday for the coming Assembly polls in the...
More »‘Cash for votes a way of political life in South India' by Sarah Hiddleston
Politicians admit breaking election law: ‘yes, that's the great thing about democracy' Politicians and their aides in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh admitted to violating election law to influence voters in the 2009 Lok Sabha polls through payments in the form of cash, goods, or services, according to a revealing cable sent to the State Department by Frederick J. Kaplan, Acting Principal Officer of the U.S. Consulate-General in Chennai. In...
More »EC banned rice-at-Rs 2 per kg scheme to cover 40 lakh families
The Election Commission on Tuesday banned implementation of Kerala government's decision to extend the rice-at-Rs 2 per kg scheme to cover 40 lakh families in view of the model code of conduct which went into force with announcement of assembly elections in the state. The scheme, announced by chief minister V S Achuthanandan after a cabinet meeting on February 23, just six days before announcement of the poll dates, is yet...
More »“Media must do its bit to get people to vote” by Urvashi Sarkar
The need for the media to take voluntary, not paid, ownership of creating awareness for better participation of voters in the election process was recommended at a roundtable on the “Role of media in building voters' awareness” here on Friday. The recommendation was part of a national consultation on voters' participation organised by the Election Commission (EC). Other roundtables at the consultation pertained to fighting urban apathy, connecting with youth in...
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