-The Hindu Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, on Wednesday, held an inter-ministerial meeting to discuss the spiralling prices of food and carve out a strategy to cool inflation. Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan, Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh, Commerce Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and Urban Development Minister Venkaiah Naidu attended the meeting. Chief Economic Advisor Arvind Subramanian was also present. During the meeting, discussions were held to devise ways to meet the gap between demand...
Agriculture Reform: Breaking the trader cartel -Partha Sarathi Biswas
-The Indian Express After Delhi, it is Maharashtra’s turn to attempt liberating fruits & vegetables from APMC shackles. Pune/ Vashi: Spread over 70 hectares land off the Old Mumbai-Pune highway, it’s a place where more than Rs 10,000 crore worth of fruits, vegetables and other farm produce gets traded annually. But right now, it’s also the scene of a prabodhan, a mass awakening campaign by traders and commission agents that could gather...
More »Maharashtra: Doubts loom over bank loans, may hit over three lakh farmers -Partha Sarathi Biswas
-The Indian Express The Maharashtra Gramin Bank has written to the district collectors of eight districts expressing inability to disburse crop loans for the upcoming kharif season. Mumbai: The prediction of a good monsoon may not be enough to bring cheers to farmers of Marathwada, as questions are being raised over disbursement of crop loans in the region. The Maharashtra Gramin Bank has written to the district collectors of eight districts...
More »Paddy procured from dead, landless farmers
-OrissaPost.com Balasore: Thousands of quintals of kharif paddy were reportedly procured from deceased and landless farmers through Kasipada cooperative Society in this district in 2015-16 due to an unholy nexus between civil supplies officials, cooperative officials and millers. According to a report, some cooperative staff had engaged agents, who purchased paddy from farmers for Rs 700 to Rs 800 per quintal. The procured paddy was subsequently sold to the government through the...
More »Sugarcane worsened Marathwada water crisis? Dismantling cane economy will not be painless -Vivian Fernandes
-The Financial Express Dismantling cane economy will not be painless, shift crop to drip irrigation Opinion-makers, from agricultural economists and academics to environmentalists, have blamed sugarcane for aggravating the water shortage in Marathwada. But the view is contested. ‘I reject the hypothesis,’ says Venkat Mayande, during a conversation in Pune. Mayande was vice-chancellor of Akola’s Panjabrao Deshmukh Agricultural University till 2012. How can 2.1 lakh hectare (ha) of cane cause a shortage of...
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