Total Matching Records found : 3330

Buoyant Pepsi to take contract farming to troubled states by Seema Sindhu

Ram Prasad Ghosal, a potato farmer from Bamunpara (Dist Burdwan) in West Bengal, owns 10 acres of land. Just two months earlier, though, his ilk faced a major scare. The region witnessed a bumper potato crop of 9.5 million tonnes — 73 per cent higher than last year’s production. Wholesale prices in Kolkata crashed to Rs 300 a quintal. Retail prices, too, dropped to Rs 6-8 a kg. Farmers were...

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People-friendly growth by BG Verghese

The Supreme Court on May 7 ruled that natural resources were national assets that belonged to the people and were ideally exploited by public sector undertakings. This obviously implies that local communities, including tribals, living on mineralised land, enjoy entitlements but not prescriptive ownership rights to such national assets. This is an important reiterative clarification defining mineral rights in Fifth Schedule areas that are currently in contention. Whether PSUs should...

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Not by price alone

The Centre's decision to raise the minimum support price (MSP) sharply for pulses, moderately for coarse cereals and oil seeds, and not at all for rice and cotton (the nominal hike for rice merely rolls in the bonus offered last year) is right, in the conventional sense. The signal against increasing acreage for rice this kharif is sound, given the huge stocks with the government. The signalling is right, too,...

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CBI for new law to govern its functioning by Vinay Kumar

CBI feels constrained by need to get consent of States to probe offences in their jurisdictions Draft envisages panel for appointment of CBI Director as laid down by Supreme Court Often under attack from the Opposition parties who accuse the government of the day of misusing it, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has urged the government to replace the outdated pre-independence era Delhi Special Police Establishment Act that governs its functioning...

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'A Manifest Collusion Between Ministers, Officials And Dow Chemicals' by Gopal Krishna

The PMO documents gathered using Right To Information Act (RTI) show a manifest collusion between ministers, officials and Dow Chemicals to protect it from the liabilities of Industrial catastrophe of Bhopal. The documents reveal how some of the ministers who have been made part of  the Group of Ministers (GoM) by the Prime Minister have been acting to safeguard the interest of the US corporation in question, which is liable...

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