Indians are among the world's most depressed. According to a World Health Organization-sponsored study, while around 9% of people in India reported having an extended period of depression within their lifetime, nearly 36% suffered from what is called Major Depressive Episode (MDE). MDE is characterized by sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy and poor concentration, besides feeling depressed. Lowest prevalence...
‘How do you define environmental rights?’ by SH Kapadia
Environmental protection within particular societies involves a complex balancing process and ordering of socio-economic priorities. In relation to other rights, where does an environmental right fit into a hierarchy of human rights and how should the conflicts with other human rights, such as right to property/ livelihood, be resolved? How to balance environmental protection with a general or collective right to economic development? Indian courts have proceeded by balancing interests and...
More »Bicycles getting crushed under India's rushing prosperity by Neeraj Kaushal
It is the 21st century version of the classic rabbit and tortoise story. Last weekend, a group of cyclists decided to race against Jet-BlueAirlines in Los Angeles when one of its busiest highways was shut down for construction and renovation. To help people get across the town fast, JetBlue started a special flight service. A group of cyclists decided to challenge the airlines to a bikeversus-airlines race. It turned out...
More »Food Bill skips malnutrition, anaemia as ministries differ by Sreelatha Menon
The Food Security Bill, approved by a group of ministers this month, has ignored malnutrition as a subject, surprising many observers in UN bodies. The reason given is a turf war among different central ministries. According to N C Saxena, a member of the National Advisory Council that has opposed the government’s draft of the Bill, the women and child development ministry was against including the subject in the Bill as...
More »Farm IP, Enter WIPO by Latha Jishnu
Developing countries will now have to battle IP issues related to new agricultural technologies at WIPO instead of WTO The World Intellectual Property Organization has announced clearly that it intends to play a role—and considering the clout WIPO enjoys it implies a significant part—in promoting intellectual property (IP) in agriculture to enhance productivity. The UN body stepped into this touchy arena with a seminar at its Geneva headquarters that has gone...
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