The United Progressive Alliance government on Friday unveiled its second draft Bill addressing the burning issues of land acquisition as well as rehabilitation and resettlement (R&R). The National Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill, 2011, as recommended by the National Advisory Council, will make it mandatory that gram sabhas are consulted and the R&R package is executed before the acquired land is transferred. Union Minister of Rural Development Jairam Ramesh...
Rise in migration from rural areas by Abhay Singh
Rural Bihar's mind is on the state's urbanscape that encompasses 139 statutory towns and 60 census or non-statutory towns. As a result, the state's rural population has decreased over the last one decade, resulting in a rise of the urban population. The Provisional Population Totals pertaining to the 2011 census, which were released on Friday, show that a significant segment of the state's rural population has not only been migrating...
More »Concern over Corruption by Prabhat Patnaik
There is no gainsaying that corruption breeds cynicism which undermines the democratic foundations of our polity. There is no gainsaying, too, that corruption results in a net shift of resources away from the poor. There can therefore be no two opinions about the need for controlling corruption through an appropriate lok pal bill. But the impression is unavoidable that the current hullabaloo about ‘corruption’ constitutes a case of mistaken identity:...
More »Bicycles getting crushed under India's rushing prosperity by Neeraj Kaushal
It is the 21st century version of the classic rabbit and tortoise story. Last weekend, a group of cyclists decided to race against Jet-BlueAirlines in Los Angeles when one of its busiest highways was shut down for construction and renovation. To help people get across the town fast, JetBlue started a special flight service. A group of cyclists decided to challenge the airlines to a bikeversus-airlines race. It turned out...
More »Why is the educated adivasi woman still in darkness?
-ANI Kanker, (Chhattisgarh) July 20 (ANI): The evils of society somehow seem to impact women more. This is true down the ages, in practically every society. Women bear the brunt of regressive practices, not necessarily relating to them as women specifically but affecting society in its entirety. Superstition, age-old prejudices and even so-called 'social norms ' actually hurt them more than anyone else in society. 'Sati' horrifies us today. It is illegal....
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