The historic city of Bhagalpur in Bihar, often in the news for the wrong reasons, figured in the Lok Sabha on Thursday when Bharatiya Janata Party member Shahnawaz Hussain sought to draw the government's attention to the pitiable condition of weavers there. “The jacket you are wearing is made of Bhagalpur silk,” he told Deputy Speaker Karia Munda, who was in the Chair, even as he pointed towards Leader of the...
Smart fertiliser subsidy signals bold farm reform by Swaraj Thapa, Ravish Tiwari
In a bold move that will not just prune the humongous fertiliser subsidy bill but also change the face of agriculture, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, aided by several Cabinet colleagues, today brought in a nutrient-based subsidy (NBS) regime. This will incentivise companies to innovate beyond a handful of products sold in the market presently and offer farmers choice based on soil needs. This is expected to trim the subsidy bill...
More »Rural Industrialisation as the ‘Mahayana’ of International Cooperation: A World Waiting to be Born by Saurabh Kumar
The following piece was written for the UNIDO’s General Conference that took place in Vienna this month but could not be carried by any of the international papers because of a slight delay, although some feel its contents may not be ideologically palatable to them. Hence it is being carried here for the benefit of our readers. —Editor A highly positive sum game awaits the community of nations if an internationally...
More »We will not sit quiet on social audit issue in NREGS, Aruna Roy tells Gehlot government by Sunny Sebastian
Activists also opposed to use of JCB machines Hundreds of protesting villagers march towards the Chief Minister’s residence The Gehlot government’s honeymoon with activist groups seems to be nearing its end with their growing frustration over the lackadaisical approach of authorities to the transparency clause in the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS). Though among the best in the country in the implementation of the scheme, Rajasthan has seemingly gone back...
More »Rallying against hunger by Chandni Mehta
In a year of sparse rains and spiralling food prices, with hundreds of districts being officially declared as drought-hit, a rally by activists in the capital demands a Food Entitlements Act. Perhaps the most vocal demands at the rally were those aimed at a complete revamp of the Public Distribution System (PDS), starting with universal — instead of targeted — coverage. Over 5,000 grassroots activists, agricultural workers, farmers, lawyers, doctors and...
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