-PTI The government has slapped a notice of Rs. 5 crore demand on trusts run by Ramdev in connection with alleged service tax evasion while organising their yoga camps. Claiming that shivirs (camps) undertaken by Patanjali Yoga Peeth and Divya Yoga Trust in Haridwar were commercial activity, the revenue department has raised a demand of Rs. 5.14 crore payable on fees collected from individuals for learning Yoga, officials said. "The directorate general...
Billions in Subsidies Prop up Unsustainable Overfishing -Christopher Pala
-IPS News Calls are mounting for the world’s big fishing powers to stop subsidising international fleets that use destructive methods like bottom trawling in foreign coastal waters, drastically reducing the catch of local artisanal fishers who use nets and fishing lines. Such subsidies total 27 billion dollars a year, with nearly two-thirds coming from China, Taiwan and Korea along with Europe, Japan and the United States, according to a University of British...
More »A Delhi particular
-The Economist MID-AFTERNOON in Delhi, and a red blob looms in the haze. The sun barely illuminates the city. A yellow-green smog hangs low. Even indoors, fuzzy halos of dust and smoke surround lamps. Those foolish enough to be out jogging, or compelled to stand at junctions directing traffic, complain of shortness of breath, migraines, clogged lungs. Newspapers are crammed with articles about asthma, wheezing children at clinics, an epidemic of...
More »Sonia Gandhi 4th richest politician in the world -Preeta Memon
-WeeklyBlitz.net As India is approaching towards a general election in less than a year, the leader of ruling Indian National Congress has been listed as world's fourth richest politician with a total wealth of over US$ 18 billion, which is invested in real estate, telecommunication and various business projects around the world, while significant portion of the amount is also deposited in secret bank accounts. Italian born Indian politician Sonia Gandhi...
More »A price has to be paid, and has to be seen to be paid, if mainstream political parties are to recover ground-Ashok Malik
-Tehelka By brazening it out against graft allegations, our netas are mocking common decencies. IT IS extremely unlikely that India Against Corruption, or the political arm it has promised, will win too many votes or even a single seat in the 2014 Lok Sabha election. It goes without saying though that at the current juncture, it is winning a perception and media battle against the political class. Each time a politician is...
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