-The Hindu No extra funds, money coming from Samagra Shiksha’s 20% lower budget The Centre’s new mission to ensure that every Class 3 child has foundational literacy and numeracy within five years will be rolled out on Monday. Although the National Education Policy had included a 2025 deadline to achieve the goal, the Centre has pushed back the target date to 2026-27, given that COVID-19 has already disrupted two academic years. The School...
More Than Half Of Districts With High Covid-19 Positivity Are Himalayan -IndiaSpend Team
-IndiaSpend.com Of India's 83 districts with a Covid-19 test positivity ratio higher than 10% by the week ending June 30, 54% were in the mountainous Himalayan region. Experts ascribe this to infections reaching hilly areas later than the plains, and to low and late testing Mumbai: India's Himalayan region is reporting high levels of Covid-19 positivity, even as the second wave recedes in many parts of India, an IndiaSpend analysis of Ministry...
More »More boys dropped out of school than girls at secondary level in India in 2019-20: UDISE+ Report
-PTI/ The Hindu According to the report, nearly 30% students in the country do not transit from the secondary to the senior secondary level. More boys dropped out of school at the secondary level as well as in primary classes (1 to 5), while the number of girls dropping out of school in the upper primary classes (6-8) was higher than that of the boys in 2019-20, according to a Unified District...
More »Why States' School Education Laws Are Difficult To Understand -Jayana Bedi and Prashant Narang
-IndiaSpend.com Laws governing schools should be easy enough for students to make sense of them. As states prepare to reform education laws under the National Education Policy, our analysis shows that most states’ education laws are verbose, restrictive and incomprehensible even to college graduates New Delhi: On April 8, 2021, union education minister Ramesh Pokhriyal launched the 'Students' and Teachers' Holistic Advancement through Quality Education' (Sarthaq) plan as the first step toward...
More »Central Teams Rushed To 6 States Reporting Increased COVID-19 Cases -Parimal Kumar
-NDTV.com Central Teams Rushed To 6 States Reporting Increased COVID-19 Cases New Delhi: The central government has sent six high-level multi-disciplinary public health Teams to six states reporting a high number of COVID-19 cases. The Teams will assist the states of Kerala, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Manipur in COVID-19 control and containment measures, the Health Ministry said on Friday. These Teams will gather a first-hand understanding of the challenges and issues...
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