The West Bengal government has allocated Rs 250 crore for introducing a scheme for generating employment for the urban youth, on the lines of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. State Finance Minister Asim Dasgupta said that funds allocated for this purpose this year may be augmented according to requirement. Similar schemes have been declared in Tripura and Kerala as well. The scheme, announced by Dr Dasgupta during his budget...
Govt proposes NREGA-like urban job plan
Government has proposed to launch an Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme on the lines of NREGA and give statutory sanctions to minimum wages. The proposal, which focuses on generating employment and enhancing employability among less advantaged, is part of the short-term strategies and targets of the government contained in the first Annual Report to the People on Employment. At present, states are under no obligation to implement revision of minimum wages...
More »Poverty up, poverty down by D Tushar
In April, India’s Planning Commission accepted recommendations put forth by the so-called Tendulkar Committee on a new poverty headcount for the country. Constituted by the Planning Commission under economist Suresh D Tendulkar, the committee, after four years and a new methodology, arrived at a new figure for the number of Indians living below the poverty line: 37.2 percent, ten points higher than the previous official figure. With the government’s subsequent...
More »“Review implementation of rural job scheme”
CUDDALORE: As labour shortage has been “daunting the farm sector,” the Joint Action Council of farmers' associations has appealed to the government to review the implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREG) Scheme that takes away a major chunk of the workforce. The JAC, which met here on Monday , adopted a resolution. It said that besides the vagaries of weather, what was hindering the growth of the farm sector...
More »Liquor lobby bets on NREGS to fuel rural thirst by Jinka Nagaraju
The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) has had an unintended side effect: a record rise in the consumption of Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) among poor rural families, all thanks to the unprecedented sums of money that the scheme placed in their hands. And the politico-realtor lobby’s record bids for the two-year liquor licences across AP on Monday appears to be in the hope of reaping a bumper harvest...
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