As agriculture universities transform local varieties into genetically modified bt brinjal, questions of ownership arise. Indians call it the brinjal. Other countries know it as the eggplant or aubergine. It is widely used the world over and every cuisine from the Chinese to the African has an encyclopaedia of recipes that establishes its popularity as a vegetable of daily use. And no vegetable has hogged the headlines as much as the...
“Farmers don’t agree Bt Cotton is a threat to rural life” by Gargi Parsai
Transgenic Cotton being hastily pushed in India, says researcher Technological alternatives available to switch from conventional production NEW DELHI: A panel discussion on ‘GM Foods and Food Security’ held here on Thursday highlighted differing opinions on the controversial subject, although the majority opinion was in favour of GM crops. Participating in the discussion, organised by the Institute of Economic Growth, Ronald Herring of Cornell University pointed out that Bt Cotton in India played an...
More »Food dilemma: High prices or shortages
For a man who will inherit vast tracts of fertile farmland in Punjab, India's grain bowl, Jaswinder Singh made what seemed to him a logical career move -- he took a job with a telecoms company in New Delhi. "I can't go back to the village after an M.B.A. Delhi has more money, better quality of life. The job is more satisfying, and you don't depend on the weather or...
More »Your meal is getting costlier
A simple vegetarian fare of dal, rice, vegetables and chapattis is costing you more every month. Prices of vegetables have almost doubled in the last two months while pulses and foodgrain are costing 25 per cent more. Lady's finger that was available for Rs 28 a kg a fortnight ago now costs Rs 40 a kg. Capsicum is up to Rs 70 a kg from Rs 40 a kg while prices of...
More »bt brinjal can awaken a sleeping poison by Suman Sahai
What, you may ask, is common between potatoes, tomatoes, brinjal, chilli, datura, tobacco and the deadly nightshade (belladonna)? They all belong to a plant family called Solanaceae. The Solanaceae family contains a number of important agricultural plants as well as many psychoactive and toxic plants. Solanaceae species are rich in complex chemicals called alkaloids and contain some of the most poisonous plants known to mankind. They produce alkaloids in their...
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