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Dip in tractor sales indicate further deepening of rural distress

In the financial year 2017-18 when tractor sales touched new heights, it was said by many of the NDA (viz. National Democratic Alliance) government supporters that rural demand has revived on account of adequate monsoon rainfall and higher minimum support PRIces for crops. Many economists and newspaper columnists also denied the existence of any rural distress. An alternative perspective, however, was also presented by rural economists like Dr. Himanshu who teaches...

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For India Inc's sob story, Sitharaman has a sop story. But will it help? -Aunindyo Chakravarty Instead of giving freebies to the affluent, Sitharaman should have announced additional government spending in MNREGA and plans for filling vacancies in government jobs. After holding out for seven weeks, following her maiden budget, Nirmala Sitharaman finally blinked. For about a month now, pink papers and business-friendly pundits had been crying foul about India Inc’s shrinking sales. But, since you can’t sell a sob story about the rich, it was spun to...

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Why rural India can't afford to buy biscuits -Roshan Kishore

-Hindustan Times Unfortunately, there is no high frequency income or consumption data for the Indian economy. What we do have is monthly data for rural wages, which is available until June 2019. On Wednesday, media reports said that India’s leading biscuit-maker Parle Products PRIvate Limited could cut up to 10,000 jobs as “slowing economic growth and falling demand in the rural heartland could cause production cuts”. The company’s flagship brand Parle-G...

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Haryana police brutally tortured nearly 50% of jail inmates, finds survey -Gaurav Vivek Bhatnagar Women, the report has found, would be molested and threatened with rape by male personnel. Trigger warning: The article contains graphic descriptions of physical and sexual torture which might be triggering to survivors. Electric shocks, bricks hung from PRIvate parts, threatened with rape, sexually assaulted, hung naked, hung upside down — these are some of the methods that Haryana Police has been undertaking in dealing with PRIsoners, both men and women, a...

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Character of our nation is on test -Aruna Roy and Nachiket Udupa

-National Herald Those of us who care for integrity, PRInciple and constitutional values as citizens of India have a huge task ahead. When Independence was dreamt of, it must have seemed impossible “Being part of a democratic government is hard. Being a citizen is hard. It is a challenge. It’s supposed to be. There’s no respite from our ideals. All of us are called to live up to our expectations for ourselves...

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