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Complex system of patronage, corruption blunts India’s efforts to help the poor out of poverty-Minhaz Merchant

-The Economic Times The Rae Bareli seat in Uttar Pradesh has been a Gandhi family bastion since 1967 when Indira Gandhi first stood for election from there. Sonia Gandhi adopted the constituency in 2004 and was re-elected with a huge majority in 2009. It should, therefore, be one of India's most developed districts. Right? Wrong. The Hunger and Malnutrition, or HUNGaMA, survey, released by the Prime Minister earlier this year, was...

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UPA tactics: Decry the institutions; erode the government's credibility-EAS Sarma

By repeatedly decrying the CAG and trying to malign the person occupying that Constitutional office, the UPA government is weakening an important pillar of democracy and lowering its own credibility Admitting that there is a great deal of uncertainty and a perception of policy paralysis in the government these days, a senior Cabinet colleague of the prime minister recently observed that it was being created by the activities of (Comptroller and...

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UP slow on seeking central funds for strengthening RTI-Neha Shukla

-The Times of India LUCKNOW: UP is not only slow in disposal of RTI(Right To Information) applications but also in seeking funds for strengthening the RTI infrastructure in the state. UP State Information Commission (UPSIC) has still not submitted a proposal to the centre to seek funds for taking necessary steps to strengthen the implementation of the Right to Information (RTI) Act. The department of personnel and training (DoPT), GoI, in the...

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‘Tendency to give women secondary status is responsible for female foeticide’-Mohammed Iqbal

-The Hindu Alarmed by reports of female foeticide, Rajasthan to adopt a new girl child policy Spurred by alarming reports of female foeticide continuing unabated across the State, the Rajasthan Government has initiated the process for adoption of a new girl child policy with emphasis on saving the female foetus as well as newborn girls. The policy will be the first of its kind anywhere in the country. Principal State Women & Chid...

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Rio+20 Earth Summit: campaigners decry final document-Jonathan Watts and Liz Ford

-The Guardian 'Pathway for a sustainable future' declared, but Greenpeace says summit was failure of epic proportions Amid doubt, disappointment and division, the world's governments came together in Rio on Friday to declare "a pathway for a sustainable century". At the close of the Rio+20 Earth Summit, heads of state and ministers from more than 190 nations signed off on a plan to set global sustainable development goals and other measures to...

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