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Madhya Pradesh brings ordinance to ease buying of farm land by private players -Milind Ghatwai

-The Indian Express Bhopal: The Madhya Pradesh government on Monday issued an ordinance to amend a law related to the ceiling on agricultural holdings, which will allow industrialists and private developers to easily purchase as much agricultural land as they want for non-agricultural activities. The Madhya Pradesh Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings (Amendment) Ordinance, 2015 was notified a month after the special Assembly session concluded, and just two months before the monsoon session...

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Empowering Tribal Women, Increasing Productivity Through NHGs -A Satish

-The New Indian Express PALAKKAD: To strengthen the capacity of women and increasing their livelihood opportunities, tribal women in Attappadi are encouraged to undertake cultivation of traditional crops   through the Neighbourhood Groups (NHG) of the Kudumbashree. A total of 506 exclusive tribal women NHGs have been constituted in Attappadi and seeds will be distributed to them before the monsoon sets in. This is being done under the Mahila Kisan Shashakthikarna Pariyojana (MKSP)...

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CIC delayed is spirit of RTI denied -Shyamlal Yadav

-The Indian Express Files already piled up on the Chief Information ComMISsioner’s desk could take up to 2020 to clear. Delay in appointing the CIC hurts the objectives of both the RTI Act and the PM’s pledge of good governance. The RTI Act, 2005 provided for a Central Information ComMISsion and State Information ComMISsions to deal with appeals and complaints against public authorities. Section 12 of the RTI Act states, “The Central...

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If you want to help the farmer -Vani S Kulkarni, Katsushi S Imai and Raghav Gaiha

-The Indian Express As the toll of human MISery and suicide mounts, official estimates of farm losses due to unseasonal rains and hailstorms in March remain controversial, with hasty downward revision. Since these estimates are largely notional, without validation from field visits, such revision smacks of deliberate fiddling. On March 24, the agriculture ministry reported that crops on 18 million hectares — about 30 per cent of the rabi crops —...

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Land, development and democracy -Mihir Shah

-The Hindu India cannot continue with a pattern of industry that yields so few jobs but has such a large ecological footprint. Neither can it be excited by the urban nightmares that its cities are today. The land law debate must be the occasion to talk about these key national agendas The current debate on the land law is important because it affords us a chance to reflect more deeply on the...

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