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Govt divided on retail FDI as FinMin says no by Surajeet Das Gupta

The government is divided over allowing foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand and foodgrain retailing. While the Ministry of Finance is opposed to any change in the existing retail FDI policy, the Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Ministries, along with the Planning Commission, are open to the proposal mooted by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. At present, FDI in these areas of retailing is banned. The finance ministry’s position gains significance in...

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Cut-Rate Democracy by Pranjoy Guha Thakurta

Two years ago, when I told some of my more cynical fellow-tribals from the journalistic fraternity that I was about to complete a textbook on media ethics, they smirked. Media ethics? That’s an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms, they said glibly. What became apparent to me then was that the image of the journalist in India has taken quite a battering. There are many among the aam admi who still...

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UN study highlights the immense economic and social value of ecosystems

Businesses and policy-makers need to recognize the tremendous economic value of ecosystems, as well as the social and economic costs of losing such natural resources as forests, freshwater, soils and coral reefs, a new United Nations report released today said. The report by the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB), a body hosted by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), seeks to galvanize the world to recognize the economic consequences of failing...

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Govt for cos acquiring land in Africa for pulses cultivation by Prabha Jagannathan

The government has assured full support to Indian companies exploring opportunities to acquire agricultural land in Africa for cultivation of pulses in order to deal with its domestic shortage. "We import pulses and we will be more supportive of more land being brought under cultivation and foR value addition. India is the market and we have been investing in agriculture...," Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma had said. With the unabated...

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Agricultural growth remains central to poverty reduction, says report

One billion people worldwide still live in extreme poverty Agricultural growth remains central to poverty reduction, as one billion people worldwide continue living in extreme poverty, many of them in rural areas, a World Bank Group on agriculture, the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), said in a report released on Tuesday. Drawing on the World Bank Group's (WBG) experience in supporting agricultural growth in the past decade, the report — Growth and Productivity...

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