A total of Rs 3,79,29,000 have been paid to the unskilled workers under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme MGNREGA so far in the state, said Union Minister for Rural Development Dr C P.Joshi informed Shantaram Naik MP in a written reply to the question asked by him in the Rajya Sabha on the subject. Minister said that at the time of commencement of the scheme wage rate in Goa...
Muslim women face multiple discrimination: AIDWA by Parvathi Menon
“Practice of triple talaq discriminatory and unjust towards the wife, against constitutional principles, and contrary to Islam” “The triple talaq is a sword hanging over the heads of married Muslim women,” said Sehba Farooqui, secretary of the Delhi State Unit of the All India Democratic Women's Association, in her introduction to the resolution on the practice of triple talaq passed by the 9th national conference of the organisation on Wednesday....
More »Miners may have to pay for the project-hit from day 1 by Subhash Narayan
Mining companies will have to start paying compensation to project-affected people right from the day a mining block is allocated to them and not when they start generating profits, a proposal that will further sweeten the deal for those who lose their land to industrialisation, but stoke more protest from miners. Once the project starts making profits, the displaced families will be provided an annuity income from the net income, but...
More »'Nearly 10%' of Indians are without jobs
Nearly 10% of Indians are without jobs, a new study of the country's labour force has found. The study by the federal labour ministry was conducted in some 46,000 households in 28 states all over the country. It also found that over 85% of Indians had no access to social security. Various surveys have pegged India's unemployment rate between 2.8 to more than 10%. Analysts say the actual figure is much higher. They say...
More »What is wrong with MG-NREGA?
Can we afford to leave MG-NREGA alone? Why is the civil society crying foul? Are the rural activists demanding too much? Is the UPA-II trying to take back what UPA-I gave before the elections? Let us face it, the MG-NREGA is in a big crisis. NAC members like Aruna Roy and Jean Dreze have alleged (See links below) that the present remuneration of rural workers is declining by the day and it...
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