Recent media reports point out that the Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh is likely to get about Rs. 6,300 crore projects ahead of the upcoming Uttar Pradesh assembly polls, including a Rs. 400 crore worth plant for the propulsion system of anti-tank guided missiles in Jhansi. The foundation was laid for the first project in the Jhansi node (related to the Uttar Pradesh Defence Industrial Corridor) on November 18, 2021. The two...
Poverty key factor in determining institutional delivery: study -Jagriti Chandra
-The Hindu Education and exposure to a community health worker too score higher than age of marriage in Accessing a facility, says study. Poverty, education, and exposure to a community health worker are more important than age at marriage in determining whether a mother will be able to have a safe birth in a medical facility, according to a first-of-its-kind study on utilisation of institutional delivery in the country. The research comes at...
More »Needed, a public health data architecture for India -Anand Krishnan
-The Hindu It would be better off with few comprehensive national surveys than being over-dependent on the omnibus NFHS In a country perennially thirsty for reliable health data, the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) is like an oasis. It has a large volume of data that is openly Accessible. The report of the fifth round of the NFHS was recently released (covering phase 2 States where data collection was delayed due to...
More »43% media outlets disappeared, 84% women journalists out of jobs since Taliban takeover: RSF report Report also mentions the ‘11 journalism rules’ giving rise to censorship and impacting press freedom. Sixty percent of media employees have not been able to work and 84 percent of women journalists have lost their jobs since the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan in August, according to a report released by Reporters Without Borders and Afghan Independent Journalists Association. The report also stated that 43 percent of Afghan media outlets have disappeared. Compared...
More »Instead of relying on jugaad, journalists need Access to court pleadings. Here’s why -Chitrakshi Jain & Prashant Reddy T Not only is the procedure to Access records unnecessarily complicated, but the courts have the discretion to judge a citizen’s motivation to Access them. Over the course of the next few weeks, the United States Congress is expected to pass the Open Courts Act, which will make PACER – the digital database for Accessing court records filed with the federal judiciary – Accessible to everybody, free of cost! The law sets...
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