-Scroll.in The court refused to order a CBI inquiry into connivance of officials in the Rs 60,000 crore scam, but directed the setting up of an expert committee. The Supreme Court on Wednesday said mining companies that had been operating without necessary clearances in Odisha would be subject to a 100% penalty on the price of the ore that had been illegally extracted. The court also said that the government’s policy...
In Aadhaar and WhatsApp cases, Centre takes different views on privacy -Krishnadas Rajagopal
-The Hindu In WhatsApp case, Centre tells Supreme Court protection of data integral to a citizen's personal life is part of his fundamental right to life and dignity. New Delhi: Protection of data integral to a citizen's personal life is part of his fundamental right to life and dignity, the Centre told the Supreme Court on Friday. Any sharing of personal data by a service provider or a social media platform that impinges...
More »Challenge to Aadhaar act: Is privacy basic right? 9-judge Bench to decide -Ananthakrishnan G
-The Indian Express A five-judge Constitution Bench, which met to examine if the Aadhaar Act violates a person’s right to privacy, realised that the court will have to first answer if right to privacy constitutes a fundamental right under the Constitution before it takes up the main question. New Delhi: The Supreme Court decided Tuesday to set up a nine-judge bench to decide whether right to privacy can be declared a fundamental...
More »SC asks Centre to come up with law for appointment of Election Commission members -Bhadra Sinha
-Hindustan Times The court was hearing a public interest litigation by one Anoop Paranwal through lawyer Prashant Bhushan asking for a fair and transparent procedure for EC appointments. The Supreme Court on Wednesday asked the Centre to come up with a law or a procedure for the appointment of members of the poll panel or it would be forced to step in, setting up another possible showdown with the government. The Centre opposed...
More »Asim Dasgupta, former Finance Minister of West Bengal, interviewed by AM Jigeesh (The Hindu Business Line)
-The Hindu Business Line Asim Dasgupta, who was Finance Minister of West Bengal for 24 years, was probably the only CPI(M) member who attended Saturday’s event at the Central Hall of Parliament, on the eve of the GST’s launch. In fact, Dasgupta was Chairman of the Empowered Group of State Finance Ministers which prepared the first formulation of GST laws in 2009. He spoke to BusinessLine on the new indirect tax regime,...
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