-The Indian Express The Supreme Court on Monday directed the central government to take a call on accepting Right To Information (RTI) applications through online mode and furnish information accordingly using electronic means. A bench comprising CJI H L Dattu and A K Sikri asked the authorities to expeditiously decide on a representation filed by Madhya Pradesh-based lawyer Rajeev Agrawal. "It appears the petitioner has filed the representations with the authorities. It seems,...
Reforming the health care sector -Ian D Spatz
-The Hindu Obamacare and other such examples make a compelling case for seeking the right combination of roles for the public and private sector in health reform in India Nail or screw? Which is best to join pieces of wood? In carpentry, the answer is that each offers benefits depending on the application. With health care reform, the choice of public or private sector financing, delivery and regulation is subject to a...
More »Stolen generation -Rekha Dixit
-The Week Shambhu Kumar, 8, quite liked his job as a domestic help in a small town in Assam. He had to mind two children nearly his age, keep an eye on the ducks and be available for chores all day. It wasn't too hard, and he was well fed, too, though he missed his grandmother, a tea garden labourer. One day, some women from the state education department came to the...
More »India needs hygiene education as well as new toilets -Nitya Jacob
-The Guardian Narendra Modi may be feeling flush enough to spend millions on putting a loo in every home, but people also need to understand why they should use them From being the humble recipient of human waste, the toilet has reached the exalted status of being the subject of speeches by India's Narendra Modi. The prime minister promised to put a toilet in every home by 2019 in his independence...
More »No infrastructure for universal health coverage in India, says report -Jyotsna Singh
-Down to Earth Infrastructure for primary healthcare has decreased in the past decade As India moves towards the goal of universal health coverage (UHC), its inadequate health infrastructure is going to pose major problems. In the past few years, the percentage of shortfall in basic infrastructure has increased, instead of declining, says a report released Thursday. Despite massive spending under the National Rural Health Mission, the shortfall in sub-centres increased by...
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