-The Hindu MUMBAI: Around the time that Shiv Sainiks were blackening Sudheendra Kulkarni's face on Monday morning, a pakistani girl and her mother were getting ready to leave Mumbai with warm memories of a 49-day stay and gratitude for Indians. Some Indians had, after all, contributed almost Rs 13 lakh to finance 15-year-old Karachi resident Saba Tariq Ahmed's treatment for Wilson's disease, a disorder that results in poisonous accumulation of copper in...
Fighting silence with dignified dissent -Shiv Visvanathan
-The Hindu In returning their awards, Nayantara Sahgal and Ashok Vajpeyi have reminded Modi of two duties he has neglected — that of upholding a citizen's right to life and of protecting an artist’s right to creativity. Their angst is also directed at the silence of fellow writers and literary institutions.A writer not only seeks to reform a particular injustice in society. She is a tuning fork, a warning signal about...
More »India emerges top importer of used clothes -Namrata Acharya
-Business Standard Garment industry apprehends the govt to issue close to 200 new licenecs for import of wearable used clothes Kolkata: Even as premium global fashion brands see India as a potential market, another segment in the Indian retail chain is attracting global attention: The country has emerged as the biggest importer of worn clothing and textiles. UN Comtrade data on global trade of worn clothes and textiles show in 2013, such imports...
More »Uttar Pradesh, India’s Communal Tinderbox -Abheet Singh Sethi
-IndiaSpend.org/TheWire.in Uttar Pradesh accounted for a fifth of all religious conflicts–or “communal incidents”, as they are officially called–in India between 2010 and 2014, according to data tabled in the Lok Sabha. As many as 703 religious conflicts were reported in Uttar Pradesh (UP) during the past five years, leading to 176 deaths and 2007 injuries, the highest in India. The first six months of 2015 saw 68 such incidents in UP, India’s...
More »Sustainable development summit: No caste in SDGs, Dalits want UN to rectify ‘critical lapse’ -Kavitha Iyer
-The Indian Express Various Dalit rights groups have gathered in New York over the weekend to demand that the lapse be addressed by at least ensuring that the caste is recognised in the list of “indicators”, which will be used to monitor the implementation of the SDGs. New York: While inclusive development is one of the principles written into the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the member nations at the...
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