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Jangalmahal: Receding Prospects of Dialogue

-Economic and Political Weekly   Mamata Banerjee concurs with P Chidambaram’s counterinsurgency strategy. She revels in rhetoric – Mamata Banerjee’s word of honour was parivartan (change). A large section of the people of West Bengal desperately wanted change, so parivartan brought her to the helm at Writers’ Building, with its Corinthian facade carrying over from the heyday of the East India Company, now, of course, the office and secretariat of the chief minister...

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Jairam brushes aside objections, backs Gujarat NREGS audit model by Ravish Tiwari

Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh on Tuesday gave a thumbs-up to the independent social audit mechanism adopted by the Narendra Modi-led Gujarat government for the NREGS. He brushed aside reservations expressed by a member of the Central Employment Guarantee Council (CEGC), the apex monitoring agency for the rural job guarantee scheme, while endorsing Gujarat’s model. “Let there be multiplicity of mechanisms. They need to be independent and transparent. It can be...

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Survey reveals 30% ITI grads still jobless by Chetan Chauhan

Despite industry having preference from government trained manpower about 30% of the pass-outs failed to get a job in 2009 after getting vocational training from public sector institutes, a government survey has found. The reason, according to a survey done by ministry of labour, says that non-availability of jobs or low salary were the two prime reasons for high unemployment rate in Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs). Most of the trainees...

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Now, open bank a/c with other states’ identity proof by Sidhartha

The government has asked banks to accept identity proofs issued in other states as valid documents for opening no-frills bank accounts, in a move that will help millions of migrant workers, including domestic helps and drivers, access banking services.  At a specially convened meeting to push the financial inclusion agenda, the finance ministry asked bankers to accept the identity proofs and use their branch network in other states to verify the...

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Outdated land acquisition Act should go, says court by J Venkatesan

1894 law should immediately make way for fair enactment Observing that the 1894 Act has become outdated as it does not provide for rehabilitation of persons displaced from their land, although their livelihood is affected by compulsory acquisition, a Bench of the Supreme Court has called for replacement of the law without delay. Writing the judgment, Justice R.M. Lodha said all concerned felt that the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act “do...

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