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Land acquisition process made more farmer friendly by S Rajendran

The State Government has introduced a string of changes to the land acquisition process for industrial purposes, giving farmers the option to either take a stake in the industrialisation process or settle for fair compensation. All land being acquired across the State by the Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board will be eligible for compensation at a rate higher than the market value and not the guidance value fixed by the revenue...

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EGOM to discuss SC order on foodgrain stock tomorrow

The Empowered Group of Ministers (EGOM) on food will meet tomorrow to discuss ways of implementing the Supreme Court order to distribute foodgrain ''free'' to the poor instead of letting it rot. "The EGOM on food is meeting tomorrow," Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee told reporters on the sidelines of an insurance summit organised by Assocham in Mumbai. The EGOM will discuss various issues related to foodgrain stock including the Supreme Court''s...

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Coconut farmers to get technical training

To make the domestic coconut industry globally competitive, the Coconut Development Board has decided to impart technological training to farmers, processors, traders and exporters. To facilitate this, Union Minister of State for Agriculture K.V. Thomas will lay the foundation stone for a ‘farmers block' at the board's headquarters in Kochi on Septem ber 2, which is being observed as the World Coconut Day. The venue would serve as a centre for...

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Calories, prices and incomes by Raghav Gaiha, Raghbendra Jha and Vani S Kulkarni

Various recent studies point to a puzzle. Despite rising incomes, there has been a sustained decline in per capita calorie intake. In an important contribution , A Deaton and J Dreze (‘ Food and Nutrition in India: Facts and Interpretations’ , Economic and Political Weekly, XLIV (7), 2009) offer a detailed analysis of the decline in calorie intake in 1983-2004 . Average calorie consumption was about 10% lower in rural...

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RLD chief proposes ban on land acquisition for profit ventures

Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD) president Ajit Singh's draft for amendment in the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 proposes a complete ban on acquisition of land for profit-making and commercial purposes. The acquisition rights for industry should be allowed only if necessary for national security. Besides redefining `public purpose' for which land is acquired, the draft wants the government to be advocate of farmers' right and not a real estate agent. The...

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