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Dam rehabilitation work from January by Roy Mathew

The Kerala government will implement the World Bank-funded Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) from January. The project, which aims at improving the safety and operational performance of selected structures, will cover dams, barrages and regulators, totalling 19, of the Irrigation Department and 12 projects of the Kerala State Electricity Board. C.N. Sathi, Chief Engineer (Investigation and Designs) of the Irrigation Department, told The Hinduthat the department had sought the release of...

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Battle lines drawn for Cancun climate conference by Richard Ingham

Familiar battle lines emerged on Sunday on the eve of a conference to restore the credibility of the UN's talks on climate change after last year's near-disaster in Copenhagen. CAMPAigners said the interests of the environment and poor countries would not be sacrificed to help boost the faltering process, while the European Union (EU) called on China, the United States and India to agree to "fair" curbs on their carbon emissions. Nearly...

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Experts group to study NAC proposals on food security Bill by Gargi Parsai

Led by C. Rangarajan, it has been appointed by Manmohan In a significant move, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has formed an experts group chaired by the chief of Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council, C. Rangarajan, to examine the recommendations of the Sonia Gandhi-headed National Advisory Council on the proposed food security Bill. The move surprised members of the council who met here on Friday to discuss the draft of the National Food...

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Beginning of the End

Manual scavenging persists, but community and political mobilisation of workers has initiated change. Only those who are in denial are surprised by the continued existence in India of casteism and inhuman practices associated with stigmatisation, despite institutions of the state decreeing their abolition. But progress has been made in fits and starts, and agency – in the form of community and political mobilisation – has played a role in their slow...

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NAC to discuss draft of Food Security Bill by Gargi Parsai

The National Advisory Council (NAC) will meet here on Friday to discuss the working group's draft of the National Food Security Bill. The draft suggests the setting up of an autonomous body for grievance redress and enforcement of penalties. The authority could function along the lines of the national and State-level commissions set up under the Right to Information Act. The draft Bill defines the penalties for violations of the Act, and...

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