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PM targets 'lies' in broadcast to farmers -Radhika Ramaseshan

-The Telegraph New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today used his monthly radio broadcast to reach out to farmers and defend the controversial land acquisition bill, asking them not to be MISled by the Opposition's "lies". He denied that his government's intended amendments to the UPA-steered 2013 land law favoured corporate houses and would deprive farmers even of the right to move court against a takeover of their land. Modi's speech launched the...

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The nuts and bolts of skill development -Kumar Vivek & Radhika Kapoor

-The Hindu For any skill development effort to succeed, markets and industry need to play a large role in determining courses, curriculum and relevance The Union Budget 2015 paved way for the launch of a much-awaited National Skills MISsion to complement Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ‘Skill India' and ‘Make in India' exhortations. However, much work needs to be done on the ground for the government to prove that this step is a...

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Vaccine survey amid alert -GS Mudur

-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Indian government will study 100,000 infants to evaluate a home-grown vaccine against rotavirus gastroenteritis, released this month amid concerns raised by a paediatrician about the risk of an intestinal side-effect. Doctors from Delhi, Pune and the Christian Medical College, Vellore, will measure -- through what could be India's largest study - any vaccine-associated risk of intussusception, a disorder in which the intestine telescopes into itself and may...

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PM to farmers: Lies being spread on Land Acquisition Bill

-PTI   NEW DELHI: With opposition mounting campaign over Land Acquisition Bill, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday reached out to farmers, telling them that "lies" are being spread over the measure for "political reasons" to create confusion among the farming community. Speaking on the issue over radio in his monthly 'Mann ki Baat' programme, he insisted there were some "lacunae" in the Land Act of 2013 "as it was enacted in a...

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When The Haze Takes Over -Pavithra S Rangan

-Outlook The NDA seems bent on subverting the RTI Act. Is the slow dismembering of the CIC part of the plan? We Have No Recall For the first time since its inception, CIC's functions expropriated by the govt A search committee set up to appoint a new CIC chief says meeting details cannot be revealed; "highly confidential" RTI appeals pertaining to prime depts...

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