-The Indian Express The CBI on Saturday carried out fresh searches across 23 locations in Uttar Pradesh in connection with the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) scam. The searches are being carried out across 12 districts including Lucknow, Kanpur, Varanasi, Meerut, Jhansi at the residences of health department officials of the state, who had held the posts of Chief Medical Officers (CMO) and Deputy CMOs, CBI sources said. The agency had yesterday registered...
Son-producing clinics in Gujarat, 15 doctors penalized-Himanshu Kaushik & Bharat Yagnik
-The Times of India When district officials in Mehsana studied records of gynaecologists recently, they were stunned to find out that many were virtually running son-producing centres. Mehsana town is infamous with its ratio at just 760 girls per 1,000 boys - the lowest in the country. Some of the doctors in the region have individual ratios of just 600 per 1,000 boys in the past few months. Alarmed, government officials have...
More »Pits of horror by S Dorairaj
The alleged incident of two quarry workers in Tamil Nadu's Villupuram district being forced to swallow faeces draws attention to larger issues. NORMALLY the villages and hamlets in and around Thiruvakkarai in Tamil Nadu's Villupuram district are woken up by the loud noise and vibrations caused by the blasting of rocks and the pounding of boulders with sledge hammers, apart from the rattling sound of tipper lorries transporting stones from 40-odd...
More »Govt takes on BJP: Home ministry puts saffron terror under lens
-The Times of India Days after the arrest of RSS worker Kamal Chouhan in connection with the Samjhauta Express blast case, the home ministry on Thursday said "more arrests will be made leading to the solving" of a number of terror cases including Malegaon, Modassa and Ajmer Shariff blasts. The ministry said six terror cases were being reinvestigated and one of them (Modassa in Gujarat) was on the verge of being solved....
More »The curious case of Vinay Rai by Aparna Viswanathan
On December 23, 2011, in a criminal case filed by Vinay Rai, editor of a Delhi-based Urdu daily called Akbari , the Metropolitan Magistrate, Patiala House, directed the Ministry of External Affairs to have summons served on over 21 websites based abroad on the grounds that offences of sale of obscene books and obscene objects to young persons and criminal conspiracy could be made out against these sites under sections...
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