A 14-year-old boy was allegedly thrashed with a hot pan by his employer — his own maternal uncle — in Sadar Bazaar after the boy reportedly stole Rs 15 from the roadside dosa stall where he worked. According to Sushil Kumar, his son Suvam was employed with Vikram, 20, for the last six months. ‘‘On Wednesday, Vikram reportedly forced Suvam to drink alcohol when he came to know about the...
Liquor lobby bets on NREGS to fuel rural thirst by Jinka Nagaraju
The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) has had an unintended side effect: a record rise in the consumption of Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) among poor rural families, all thanks to the unprecedented sums of money that the scheme placed in their hands. And the politico-realtor lobby’s record bids for the two-year liquor licences across AP on Monday appears to be in the hope of reaping a bumper harvest...
More »Sugar supplies in the bag as panic ends by Robert Plummer
Not so long ago, the prospect of a global sugar shortage gave food manufacturers a panic attack. Poor weather conditions hitting crops in the world's two biggest sugar-producing nations, Brazil and India, sent the price of the sweet stuff soaring on international markets. In August last year, US firms such as Kraft Food, General Mills and chocolate-maker Hershey were so worried that they wrote a joint letter to the country's...
More »An endless fight against manual scavenging by Vrinda Sharma
Dalit women lead unhygienic lives for wages of Rs.15 a month Caste hierarchy prevents women from doing any other job The Railways and municipalities are the biggest employers Each morning a group of Dalit women step outside their homes to “fulfil their social role” of cleaning dry latrines with their brooms and bare hands. They then carry human excrement in pots and baskets on their heads. Braving the worst possible form of caste...
More »India's first open jail for women by Prachi Pinglay
Yerawada prison is a place of contrasts. In one part of the 17-acre complex near the city of Pune in the Indian state of Maharashtra, 300 incarcerated women barely see the light of day and live in cramped, unhygienic conditions. But another part of the prison is currently undergoing a makeover. Here, women will soon be allowed to roam the premises and farmland in relative freedom. This will be India's first...
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