-The Hindu Centre asked to respond to plea for scrapping Armed Forces Act The Supreme Court, expressing concern over extra judicial killings, has asked the Centre and the manipur government to look into the issue with the utmost seriousness. A Bench of Justices Aftab Alam and Ranjana Desai, hearing a writ petition complaining of mass fake encounter killings, told counsel for the manipur government on Friday: “You people are killing each other. You...
Oil Cos Resume Issuing Subsidised LPG Connections
-Outlook After a few weeks of hiatus, state-owned oil companies have resumed issuing new subsidised cooking gas (LPG) connections, beginning with North Eastern states. In September, issue of new LPG connections had been put on hold pending a massive nationwide exercise to eliminate users having multiple connections at the same address. The three oil PSUs have now started releasing new LPG connections in Meghalaya, Sikkim, Nagaland and Andaman & Nicobar Islands, said Indian...
More »Gujarat tops states in number of Muslim policemen -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India Gujarat, which faced one of the worst anti-Muslim riots in the country barely 10 years ago, has emerged as the state with the largest number of Muslim cops posted in police stations, beating states with a higher proportion of the community in their population. The data, shared by the home ministry in response to an RTI query filed by TOI, shows that 10.6% of Gujarat's cops posted in...
More »Fighting against starvation -Samar Khurshid
-The Hindustan Times India contributes more hungry people to the world each year than all other countries put together, and despite efforts, new figures suggest that hunger is far from contained - in fact we are worse off than we were more than a decade ago. According to the Global Hunger Index 2012, recently released by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). India's rating was 22.6 in '96, 24.2 in '01...
More »Gujarat vs. Himachal Pradesh -Rahul Verma
-Kafila.org Even though Hiamchal Pradesh voted on November 4, Gujarat has been hogging all the limelight. The election in Gujarat is only in the third week of December. Gujarat captures our political imagination as a ‘role model state’ whereas Hiamchal Pradesh is just in our tourism agenda as a top holiday destination. It is hard for anyone to notice Himachal as a political entity among the big brothers like Uttar Pradesh,...
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