—PTI The Cabinet on Sunday approved a Rs. 2,350-crore package for crisis-ridden handloom weavers, mostly concentrated in poll-bound Uttar Pradesh. The package is part of a Rs. 6,234-crore scheme for handloom weavers announced last month by Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma at Varanasi following an advice from AICC general secretary rahul gandhi, who is extensively touring U.P. in the run-up to Assembly elections. The package comprised Rs. 3,880 crore for the loan...
Lokpal Bill may be tabled in Lok Sabha on Tuesday
-The Hindu The Union Cabinet is likely to meet either on December 18 or 19 after the return of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh from Russia to take a call on the contentious issues related to the Lokpal Bill on the basis of inputs given by the Parliamentary Standing Committee and the all-party meet on Wednesday night. According to Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal, the government intends to move the Bill in...
More »Lokpal bill: Mayawati rejects draft in present form by Ashish Tripathi
Two days after major opposition parties extended their support to the demand for a strong Lokpal (ombudsman) as proposed by the anti-graft crusader Anna Hazare during his one day fast at Jantar Mantar, Uttar Pradesh (UP) chief minister and Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) supremo Mayawati also offered her conditional endorsement. Mayawati on Tuesday rejected the Parliamentary Standing committee's report on Lokpal bill. She described the Lokpal report drafted by the committee...
More »Include madrassas to empower Muslims by Prabhat Banerjee
Notwithstanding rahul gandhi's reported assurances to the AIMPLB to keep madrassasoutside the purview of the RTE Act, there is an urgent need to formalise madrassa education. Almost 90% of underprivileged Muslim children attend madrassas. However, devoid of a modern curriculum, madrassas are unable to equip these students for the contemporary job market. This in turn limits their economic opportunities. By bringing madrassas under the provisions of the RTE Act, the Islamic seminaries...
More »Rahul's Bundelkhand package hits the bumpy road
-IANS Concerned over the poor 11 percent fund utilisation of the rahul gandhi-driven Bundelkhand package worth Rs.7,000 crore, the central government will review its performance Monday. Following Congress general secretary rahul gandhi's intervention, the central government had sanctioned Rs.7,000 crore package two years ago for development of the backward Bundelkhand region, spread across Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Even as politics hots up in the run up to the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections...
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