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Civic body chief survives 1st Rajasthan recall vote-Sweta Dutta

-The Indian Express Jaipur: Ashok Jain, the chairman of the Mangrol Nagar Palika in Baran district, on Friday won the first right to recall vote in Rajasthan. Mangrol had voted Wednesday on a no-confidence motion passed by the municipal board against Jain, elected as an Independent in November 2009, and, as the results showed, decided to keep him in the job. Of the 10,998 people who cast their ballot — the total electorate...

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Doha dithers on equity -Meena Menon

-The Hindu THE SUNDAY STORY The scientific evidence points to a warming world. That would affect human health and agriculture, but at the Climate Change Conference in Doha, many rich countries baulked at strong action. India and China lead the developing world in calling for more remedial funding. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) times the release of its provisional annual statement with the U.N. climate negotiations. This year, it dwelt on the...

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Arctic could be ice-free in summer months, says draft IPCC report -Nitin Sethi

-The Times of India Of all the warnings about dramatic effects of climate change, a leaked draft UN report is the most vigorous in arguing that fears of an ice-free Arctic Ocean in summer months can become a reality if global temperature rises by more than 2 degree Celsius over current levels. The draft copy of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report says there is a 90-100% chance that the...

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Environmental issues: Time to abandon blame-games and become proactive-Christina Figueres

-The Economic Times The results of the UN climate-change conference that closed in Doha, Qatar, last Saturday show once again that the international negotiations are progressing, albeit slowly. At the heart of these negotiations is the most challenging energy transformation the world has ever seen. Past energy transitions have taken a long time to unfold. Firewood was not displaced by coal until the 18th century. It took one century for oil to...

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Mines of concern -S Dorairaj

-Frontline Farmers protest against the Central clearance for coal bed methane exploration in Mannargudi, Tamil Nadu, as they fear it will devastate agriculture in Tiruvarur and Thanjavur districts.  THE woes of the delta farmers of Tamil Nadu are far from over. While the Cauvery tangle continues unresolved, they fear the proposed multi-crore project for commercial exploration and exploitation of coal bed methane (CBM) in the Mannargudi block of Tiruvarur district will prove...

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