Total Matching Records found : 5095

Decadal journeys: debt and despair spur urban growth by P Sainath

The re-classification of villages and towns, and the changes this brings to the nation's rural-urban profile, happens every decade. Yet only Census 2011 shows us a huge turnaround, with urban India adding more people (91 million) than rural India (90.6 million) for the first time in 90 years. Clearly, something huge has happened in the last 10 years that drives those numbers. And that is: huge, uncharted migrations of people...

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Teachers wait for arrears by Basant Kumar Mohanty

Nearly five lakh college and university teachers are still waiting for arrears under the Sixth Pay Revision the human resource development ministry announced in December 2008 with retrospective effect from January 2006. Most states have implemented the revised package without paying the arrears as they are waiting for assistance from the ministry, which had told them it would bear 80 per cent of the additional cost for the first four years...

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Plan panel's new poverty line definition puts India in a spot

-The Business Standard   After generating much controversy back home on the Planning Commission's “unrealistic definition” of poverty line, India had to field some tough queries in Washington over the matter. Chief Economic Advisor Kaushik Basu said the government was looking at various parameters of poverty estimates to provide better coverage to the vulnerable section through a proposed food law. " we are going to go into a new food security programme, where we...

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RTI in state dying on second appeals by Ashutosh Shukla

The purpose of the Right to Information Act, it seems, will be defeated in Maharashtra if the state information commission does not get its act together quickly. The number of second appeals pending with the commission has been growing with each passing day. It is likely to touch 18,000 by the month-end and some even date back to 2006. The fact came to fore when a group of RTI activists took up...

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77 babies die of hunger every day in Maharashtra by Yogesh Pawar

According to the Maharashtra government's own figures, 18,486 children in the age group of 0-6 years have died of malnutrition this year alone (Jan-August 2011). The figure is quite high, say health ministry sources. In 2010, 12,792 children had died of hunger and malnutrition during the same period. But this year, 5,694 more babies than last year have starved to death. Most of the dead babies are adivasi children. The...

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