-The Hindu Business Line Mumbai: The World Bank will fund a Maharashtra government project for reclaiming saline lands, spread over 5 lakh hectares affecting 1,000 villages in the State. A significant percentage of the lands are in the farmer’s suicide-prone Vidarbha region. The project is a part of the larger umbrella project called Climate Resistant Agriculture, which will receive ?4,000 crore joint funding from the Bank and Maharashtra government. The World Bank will provide...
Desi cow milk best bet for health
-Deccan Chronicle Milk from indigenous and foreign breeds are classified as A2 and A1 types. Chennai: Jallikattu supporters emphasise that with the Ban on the sport, along with the decline of the native breeds of bulls, the production of milk from foreign-bred cows, said to cause neurological disorders in humans, will increase. "It is a known fact that the milk from a species is suitable only for consumption by the offspring of that...
More »Punjab elections: The cycle of debts and farmer suicides blight India's grain bowl -Binayak Dasgupta and Gurpreet Singh Nibber
-Hindustan Times Hamirgarh/ Dhanaula/ Chandigarh: Gurpreet Singh and Sandeep Duggal have more than 350 friends on Facebook. At 19, Gurpreet’s profile clearly gravitates to pictures of youth – astride an Enfield motorcycle, one with a friend in the corridors of a college, and the quintessential selfie with sunglasses. Duggal’s is more subdued. In a black-and-white profile photograph, he smiles with arms folded, exuding the confidence of a young man who identifies himself...
More »Amartya Sen, Nobel Laureate and economist, speaks to Suvojit Bagchi (The Hindu)
-The Hindu The truth may ultimately prevail about demonetisation, but the government might be able to maintain the loyalty of a large part of the public for a long time, says Amartya Sen More than two months after the demonetisation, Nobel Laureate and economist Amartya Sen says that any proper “economic reasoning could not have sensibly led to such a ham-handed policy.” He predicts that the demonetisation will hit the economy quite...
More »Towards less-cash agriculture: Well before demonetisation, low credit-driven model came up in Dewas -Vivian Fernandes
-The Financial Express In Madhya Pradesh’s tribal districts of Dewas and Khargone, the NGO, Samaj Pragati Sahayog, discourages cash transactions for agricultural inputs. The interest rates are usurious and vary according to commodities. For fertiliser, it is dheda—loan for the stuff has to be repaid 1.5 times over by the end of the harvest season. For pesticides it is sawa, or 1.25 times. Even barter can be extortionate. One quintal of...
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