-The Hindustan Times The Delhi high court on Wednesday directed the newly appointed administrator of Arya Anathalaya to look into the alleged incidents of sexual abuse and harassment of children inside the orphanage at Daryaganj. A bench headed by acting chief justice AK Sikri and justice RS Endlaw also made it clear that it would go into the "larger issue" of registration of orphanages in the capital. Lieutenant Governor had appointed an administrator...
Sexual Offences Bill: 'Treat sex with girl below 18 as rape' by Abantika Ghosh
The Union Ministry of Women and Child Welfare is planning to do away with the age of consent in case of sexual relations with girls aged between 16 and 18. The ministry, which is currently finalising the draft of the Protection of Children From Sexual Offences Bill for the consideration of the Cabinet, is of the opinion that the age of consent clause should be removed. This is as per the...
More »Another side of burning bed shows up by Ananya Sengupta
More than 80 per cent complaints filed under the seven-year-old domestic violence act have been declared too trivial for such a law to address, raising fears that it is being used to settle scores while graver atrocities go unreported. However, the nature of many complaints also suggests that women are no longer willing to play a subservient role in marital life. The highest number of complaints related to charges that the husband...
Is the majority of India veg or non-veg? Well, contrary to impression, the land of Gandhi and Buddha is predominantly non-veg. It may well have been majority vegetarian country at some point of time but the new trend is that more and more people are taking to non-vegetarian diets. A new policy paper, “Veg or Non-Veg? India at the Crossroads,” published by Brighter Green, a New York-based public policy action...
More »Ban 2-finger test on rape victims: Panel by Mahendra K Singh
In a move aimed to protect victims of sexual abuse from further mental trauma, a high powered government committee has recommended abolishing the "two finger test" for determining rape or sexual assault. Rape survivors are routinely subjected to forensic examination that include the "finger" test. Social activists have for long been demanding a ban on the "archaic and outdated" practice. They termed the test "unscientific and degrading". In a bid to protect...
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