-The Hindu The panel is planning to crack down on hoarders and enhance the availability of onions Priced between Rs. 60 and Rs. 80 per kilogram in several parts of the country, onions are bringing tears to housewives. Concerned at the problem, the Committee of Secretaries is meeting here on Wednesday to take steps - including a crack down on hoarders - to ease the situation. Onion produce in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka...
July inflation accelerates to 5.79%: Government
-PTI NEW DELHI: Rising prices of onions and other vegetables pushed inflation to a five-month high of 5.79 per cent in July even as the government and RBI battled to stabilise the rupee. Inflation based on the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) was at 4.86 per cent in June. In July 2012, it was 7.52 per cent. The July number is above the Reserve Bank's comfort level of 4-5 per cent inflation. This is...
More »Consensus on nullifying apex court order against convicted lawmakers -B Muralidhar Reddy
-The Hindu SC verdict disqualified MPs and MLAs convicted in criminal case , barred those in custody from polls New Delhi: Parties across the political spectrum have agreed to amend the Representation of the People Act to overturn a Supreme Court verdict barring people in police or judicial custody from contesting elections. At an all-party meeting here on Tuesday, the government also received backing for its proposal to amend the Act to...
More »Wholesale price inflation likely edged up to 5 per cent in July
-Reuters BANGALORE: Inflation likely picked up slightly in July as its falling currency pushed up the price of imports, making raw materials more costly, and on rising food prices, a Reuters poll showed. Wholesale prices, India's key inflation measure, rose an annual 5 percent last month, the poll of 30 economists showed, hitting the ceiling of the Reserve Bank of India's commonly perceived comfort level. That was up slightly up from June's 4.89...
More »As Onion prices soar, Delhi govt may again open outlets
-PTI NEW DELHI: Concerned over escalating prices of onion, Delhi Government today said it is considering setting up of outlets across the city to make available the vegetable at reasonable rates. "We may open stalls, like we did before, to make available onions at reasonable rates in case prices continue to soar," Development Minister Raj Kumar Chauhan, who looks after functioning of wholesale vegetable and fruit markets in the city, said. He said...
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