Banning of future trading of essential commodities is recommended by Working Group on Consumer Affairs. Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi, on Wednesday, submitted the report prepared by the group to Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh which also included other suggestions to tackle inflation. Unlike the usual practice of voluminous reports, the committee submitted to the PM a precise document with 20 recommendations and 64 detailed actionable points. Besides ban on future trading,...
Excess supply leads to fall in onion prices; farmers protest
Onion prices continued to slide in the wholesale market at Gultekdi Market Yard on Monday due to excess supply of the commodity, prompting farmers to stage strong protest demanding higher procurement price by commission agents. Agriculture Produce Market Committee (apmc) The agitation started early in the morning and farmers disrupted supply of vegetables and other commodities to the wholesale market. They were called for a meeting by the commission agents...
More »Modernisation of agri marketing needed: Montek
Inflation in vegetables to come down to 7% by March Modernisation of agricultural marketing is important when dealing with inflation in the long run, Montek Singh Ahluwalia, deputy chairman of the planning commission, said here today. “The present system of intermediation is high costs and an efficient supply chain. Stress has to be laid on ensuring that farmers are able to realize higher margins, while consumers are able to get cheaper commodities”,...
More »Manmohan asks States to consider waiving local taxes
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday asked States to consider waiving mandi taxes, octroi and local taxes for taming inflation, which affected the poor “harder” and posed a serious threat to the country's growth momentum. He said much of the responsibility for checking price rise lay with the States. “Much of what needs to be done... lies in the domain of State governments... There seems to be a strong case for waiving...
More »Hunger for ideas
Between the Reserve Bank of India, the Union finance ministry and the army of economic advisors that surround Prime Minister Manmohan Singh no one seems to have a clue about how to get a grip over food inflation. Not only has the recent episode of high food prices seen surprisingly sharp spikes in the prices of vegetables and fruit but it has lasted longer than any other episode of inflation...
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