The West Bengal government confirmed cases of avian flu in two villages under the Tehatta 1 block of the State's Nadia district on Tuesday and ordered the culling of all poultry birds within a radius of 3 km of the villages. The government has also ordered the immediate destruction of eggs and feed material within the affected radius to control the spread of the disease. According to a senior official of the...
Address supply side on food: World Bank
-The Business Standard Demand-side control cannot be an answer beyond a point to India’s persistently high food price inflation, the World Bank said on Monday. Consumer price-based food inflation in India has been at 10-20 per cent for quite a long while, noted its report on ‘Food inflation in South Asia’. The Bank’s chief economist for the region, Kalpana Kochhar, said controlling inflation in India was a difficult job for the Reserve Bank...
More »Food inflation rises to 9.80% for week ended August 13
-PTI Inching closer to the crucial double-digit mark, food inflation rose to 9.80% for the week ended August 13 on the back of dearer onions, potatoes, fruits and protein-based items. Food inflation, as measured by Whole Price Index (WPI), stood at 9.03% in the previous week. The rate of price rise of food items in the corresponding week of August, 2010, was 14.56%. As per data released by the government today, the price...
More »Food items, fuel, clothing more expensive in July
-PTI Select food items, fuel and clothing grew more expensive in July, leading to a 1.47 per cent rise in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) vis-a-vis the month of June to 110.4 points. The CPI, based on retail prices, stood at 108.8 points in June, as per data released by the government on Thursday. At the all-India level, the CPI for 'food, beverages and tobacco' went up by 1.57 per cent to 110.3...
More »Give food some thought by Surinder Sud
Reforms in the supply-chain system can help India tackle the demand-supply mismatch in essential food items Food inflation may have dropped to single digit but since that fall is set against last year’s elevated double-digit base, it continues to hurt the poor — 65 per cent of their disposable income goes towards food. The government often defends its failure to tame inflation by arguing that it has no magic wand to...
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