Total Matching Records found : 6291

India is still a hunger hotspot -Arvind Virmani and Charan Singh

-The Hindu Business Line Malnutrition, lack of clean water and prevalence of poor sanitation are the main causes of high child mortality in India. The Global Hunger Index (GHI) was released by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Welt Hunger Hilfe (WHH) recently. According to the GHI, the world has made some progress in reducing hunger since the early 1990s and the millennium development goal of halving the share of...

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Older, wiser mother changing family portrait -Subodh Varma

-The Times of India Silently, the warp and weft of Indian families is changing, perhaps forever. Women are getting married later, they are having babies later and the gap between successive children is getting larger. Put this together with the fact that the average number of children born to a woman continues to decline, and children survive more than in the past, and you can see that families are being much...

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Recent Shifts in Infant Mortality in India: An Exploration -KS James

-Economic and Political Weekly     The pace of decline in infant mortality in India has quickened in recent years after the introduction of the National Rural Health Mission. However, the post-neonatal deaths have declined faster than the neonatal deaths despite the emphasis on preventing the latter in the health mission. Apart from a number of reasons, this is linked to the poor quality of the public health services in general, and the...

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Is India ready for non-profit media?-Sevanti Ninan

-The Hoot We can either spend another year discovering how much the old model is disintegrating or we can explore alternatives. But India has not developed a tradition as yet of not-for-profit journalism, says SEVANTI NINAN. Two recent developments at the New York Times and at Time Inc. which publishes Time magazine underscore the fact that financing has and will remain become the number one issue for the future of journalism as...

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‘Scholars must help scribes highlight serious issues’-V Sridhar

-The Hindu Journalism, which is often characterised by "superficiality and dilettantism," will benefit greatly from the contributions of scholars covering serious issues such as the agrarian crisis in India, according to N. Ram, Chairman, Kasturi and Sons, which publishes The Hindu. Delivering a lecture on ‘News Media and Agrarian Issues' at the Tenth Anniversary Conference of the Foundation for Agrarian Studies (FAS) Mr. Ram urged scholars and specialists to conduct workshops for...

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