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UID: Are your biometric I-cards stacked against you?-M Rajshekhar

-The Economic Times Imagine a rural family of five. Mom. Dad. Two kids. And Grandma. Assume too that they are below the poverty line. The day is coming when this family will have to give its biometrics out to myriad agencies.  You know that Nandan Nilekani's Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) or the Registrar General's National Population Register (NPR) has been collecting biometrics for a while now.  But a set of other...

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A Stick Called 124(A)-Panini Anand and Debarshi Dasgupta

The State finds a handy tool in a colonial law to quell dissent Wrong Arm Of The Law   Why ‘sedition’ rings hollow in India 2012 The law Section 124(A) of the Indian Penal Code, 1870; non-bailable offence The definition Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or otherwise, brings or attempts to bring into hatred or contempt, or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards the government...

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Survey picks holes in UPA's MGNREGA scheme-Rajeev Deshpande

-The Times of India UPA's flagship rural guarantee scheme is performing fitfully in terms of work days, wages and coverage, amply confirming rural development minister Jairam Ramesh's fears that the programme has become a scheme for digging ditches. The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee, UPA's outreach to the poor, is not meeting critical parameters and is crying out for reform with questions about the utility a Rs 36,000-crore a year budget...

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Bt crops are everyone’s concern-Justice Sujata Manohar

-Tehelka Justice Sujata Manohar on how the Biotechnology Bill is fundamentally flawed IN THE last few years, regulatory systems across the board have been undergoing an overhaul to fit the needs of a new era. Likewise, new laws are being chalked out to meet new needs, and several are receiving flak owing to the loopholes and regressive grounds on which these have been drafted. The relatively more recent one to regulate modern...

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Naxal terror prevents tribals from filing nominations in Gadchiroli-Pradip Kumar Maitra

-The Hindustan Times The tribals of Gadchiroli seem to be living in perennial fear of naxalites. The threat is so visible that it prevented the tribals from filing nominations for the June 24 mid-term panchayat elections in 139 gram panchayats. The Maoists have left the Gadchiroli district administration paralyzed. To a large extent, they have also been able to derail local governance by instilling fear among the leaders of different political...

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