-The Hindu Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Tuesday urged representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) to ensure best use of the funds allocated for the rural areas so that these areas could come up at par with urban areas. Mr. Hooda was addressing the sarpanches and other PRIs representatives who had converged at his residence here to thank him for devolution of powers to the panchayats. He said that his...
Social audit of RTE exposes state of school education by Aarti Dhar
Classrooms give shelter to cows and buffaloes, while students sit outside in the compound. Children carry their own plates to school for mid-day meals and later rush back home on the pretext of washing the dishes, but never come back for classes. School management committees are told by teachers that no one has the right to seek any information from the school authorities. The scenario gets worse if the panchayat facilitators...
More »Correction course in MP stirs debate by Maitreyee Handique
Madhya Pradesh is betting cash incentives will curb population growth and improve the ‘life cycle’ of the girl child, but experts question the efficacy of such policies in addressing deep-rooted social prejudices Visitors trudging down the dusty village road are greeted by a giant billboard featuring a smiling Shivraj Singh Chouhan, the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh, hugging two young girls. The tagline in Hindi reads: Gaon ki beti, kisse chhoti...
More »State of land acquisition by Prasad Nichenametla
The West Bengal assembly on Tuesday passed a bill to return to some of the original owners their land in Singur, which had been acquired by the previous Left Front government for the Nano project. In doing so, chief minister Mamata Banerjee kept her pre-poll promise to the electorate, which gave her Trinamool Congress, a resounding majority in the elections. The Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Bill cites “non-commissioning of the...
More »CIC pulls up PMO over RTI query on Sonia visits
-Deccan Herald The Central Information Commission (CIC) has pulled up the Prime Minister’s Office for ''casually handling'' a plea filed under the RTI Act that demanded details of the foreign visits undertaken by Sonia Gandhi as chairperson of the National Advisory Council (NAC). Chief Information Commissioner Satyanand Mishra expressed displeasure as the Prime Minister’s Office forwarded the RTI plea seeking information on the Congress president’s visits to foreign countries, first to the Ministry...
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