-The Hindu Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Monday confirmed to a section of the Opposition that the Union government had decided to put on hold the move to allow foreign equity in the multi-brand retail sector, pending further consultations. The issue has stalled Parliament since November 25. However, it is not immediately clear whether this is enough to break the deadlock. On Monday, Mr. Mukherjee called up BJP leaders L.K. Advani and...
Business asks farmers to speak up against FDI ‘false drama’
-The Telegraph Two prominent leaders of India Inc have slammed the way Parliament has virtually been locked down by “misconceived and unfortunate” protests against foreign investment in retail — a decision they termed “an essential part of India’s growth story”. The concerns and an appeal to farmers, consumers and common people have been flagged in an open letter by Ashok Ganguly and Deepak Parekh. Ganguly, a Rajya Sabha MP, is a former...
More »Parekh, Ganguly ask India Inc to back govt’s FDI in retail move
-The Times of India HDFC chairman Deepak Parekh and Member of Parliament Ashok Ganguly have appealed to Corporate India to come out strongly in support of a besieged government, which is overwhelmed by opposition to its proposal to open up foreign investment in retail. The two senior business leaders are part of a group of 14 eminent citizens who came together to raise the issue of policy paralysis and later on the...
More »FDI row: India Inc's overseas retail biz on high FDI by Pradeep Thakur
While the government may be finding it difficult to get its FDI in multi-brand retail pass the test of Parliament, India Inc has been pledging huge investments in wholesale and retail trade abroad, including in countries like the US and the UK. In the 2010-11 fiscal, investments of Indian companies in wholesale and retail trade overseas went up 78% as compared to the previous year - up from $1,052 million in...
More »Anna Hazare inciting people on FDI: Swami Agnivesh
-The Times of India Activist Swami Agnivesh on Saturday criticized Team Anna for provoking people against the Union Cabinet's decision to allow foreign direct investment (FDI) in retail. At a school function at Jaipur, he said Anna Hazare and his team were making "factually incorrect and irresponsible statements". "Statements with factual mistakes are preventing people from engaging in a healthy debate. People opposing FDI should discuss rather than play around with the...
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