-The Hindu In separate incidents, two people were killed by tigers in Kumram Bheem Asifabad district of Telangana in a span of just 20 days in November last year. While the tiger population has increased, habitats have diminished leading to more man-animal conflicts, reports Swathi Vadlamudi Pedda Vagu, the sinuous stream which originates in the Kerameri Hills of the Kumram Bheem Asifabad district in north Telangana, was a silent spectator of a...
False phone numbers, fake names: How Bihar Covid testing data got infected -Santosh Singh
-The Indian Express The Indian Express travels across Jamui, Sheikhpura and Patna districts and tracks down nearly 600 entries shown as tested to find glaring gaps between what’s on paper — and what’s on the ground. Jamui, Patna and Sheikhpura: Over three days last month, three Primary Health Centres (PHC) in Bihar’s Jamui district tested 588 residents for Covid — all were negative. The name, age and cell number of each person...
More »Avalanche triggered by snowfall likely cause of flash flood: Geologist -GS Mudur and Piyush Srivastava
-The Telegraph Weather scientists, however, said heavy snow had been neither forecast nor observed in Chamoli district on Friday or Saturday An avalanche triggered by snowfall — and not glacial ice sundering — was the likely cause of Sunday’s devastation in Uttarakhand, scientists said on Monday using satellite imagery. Weather scientists, however, said heavy snow had been neither forecast nor observed in Chamoli district on Friday or Saturday. “A preliminary analysis suggests that heavy...
More »How a women’s self-help group saved an entire village -Pradyumna Kumar and Pushpa Kumari
-IDROnline.org The story of a self-help group that boosted livelihoods and household incomes in Odisha, depicted through Madhubani art. In Koraput district, Odisha, lies a remote village called Kanjariguda, home to an Adivasi community of farmers who predominantly grow ragi and rice. The village is so remote that villagers have to walk several kilometres—across forests and mountains—to hull their rice or access basic services such as mobile charging, photocopying, or printing. In 2019,...
More »Twitter block to road spikes and a train diversion: bid to deter stir -Karishma Mehrotra and Sukrita Baruah
-The Indian Express On Monday, around 100 Twitter accounts and 150 tweets related to the farmers’ protests went off the microblogging platform as the IT Ministry directed Twitter to remove these accounts under Section 69A of the Information Technology Act. From a temporary freeze on over 100 Twitter accounts seen as sympathetic to the farm protests to embedding spikes on roads, from diverting a Delhi-bound train to extending the internet ban in...
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