-PTI/ The Indian Express "Yes, sir," said Minister of State for Home Affairs Krishna Reddy when asked whether it is a fact that crimes against members of SCs and STs communities have increased by 7.3 per cent and 26.5 per cent respectively in 2019 as per the latest 'Crime in India-2019' report of the National Crime Records Bureau. The government on Wednesday told Rajya Sabha that crimes against members of Scheduled Castes...
Our New Database Reveals Rise In Sedition Cases In The Modi Era -Kunal Purohit
-Article-14.com Six sedition cases during the farm protests; 25 during anti-CAA protests; 22 after the Hathras gangrape; 27 after Pulwama: Our study of sedition cases over the last decade reveals a 28% rise in such cases—in violation of Supreme Court guidelines—especially against critics and protesters since 2014 Mumbai: Sedition cases—in violation of clear Supreme Court guidelines—against six journalists and former deputy foreign minister Shashi Tharoor on 28 January 2020 in 10 first...
More »India Justice Report finds that non-BJP-ruled States have better justice delivery -Lyla Bavadam
-Frontline.in The India Justice Report (IJR) 2020 has said that in the delivery of justice to the people, non-BJP-ruled States have a higher ranking than BJP-ruled one. The report says that the five non-BJP ruled States of Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Punjab and Kerala are top of the list and even outperform the ‘model’ State of Gujarat, which stands at Number 6 in the list of 18 States that have been...
More »The farm laws need political resolution -Himanshu
-The Hindu It is the supreme authority of Parliament which has the power to solve the issue despite the negotiations outside The deadlock between protesting farmers and the government on the contentious farm laws have taken an ugly turn, with incidents of vandalism during the tractor parade by the protesting farmers on January 26. It is as yet unclear as to how the peaceful protest for the last two months was allowed...
More »Marches in states to back tractor rally, slam farm laws
-The Indian Express Surat Police filed four cases against 93 people, including leaders of the Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti and the Congress, after they took out a Tiranga Yatra on tractors and two-wheelers to support the farmers’ protest, and to demand withdrawal of criminal cases against Patidar leaders. Marches were carried out in several parts of the country by farmers and trade unions to express solidarity with the tractor rally in Delhi,...
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